Car Repair
What Is a Clutch Cable System?
Many cars, particularly models produced between the 1970s and the 1990s, utilize cable clutch designs instead of hydraulics to operate the clutch. Here’s a brief explanation of clutch cable systems, from Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro.
What Is a Clutch Cable System?
Many cars, particularly models produced between the 1970s and the 1990s, utilize cable clutch designs instead of hydraulics to operate the clutch. Here’s a brief explanation of clutch cable systems, from Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro.
What's My Transmission Made Of?
Automatic transmissions aren’t well understood outside of specialists like our technicians here at Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN. While it would be impossible to teach you enough to make you a transmission expert in a quick article, what we can do is give you the fundamental knowledge you need to have a good idea of what your transmission is doing and how it works. Being able to understand how your transmission works will help you identify any problems that may arise to prevent further wear and tear on your vehicle.
What’s That Slipping Feeling?
Transmission malfunctions are sometimes hard to pin down and might even go unnoticed. A transmission slip can manifest itself in a lot of different ways because there’s not a universal or consistent way to describe it. The trained technicians at Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN can help diagnose your problem. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can help. Since it will vary based on the vehicle, how bad the issue is, and what components are at fault, here are some symptoms to look for in your SUV.
What’s The Noise? Diagnosing Manual Transmission Issues
Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a transmission is working the way it should or not. Is it supposed to make that noise? Is that problem a symptom of the transmission or something else? Fortunately, Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN has the answers.
When Do I Need A Heavy Duty Torque Converter?
If you drive a lightweight car, truck, or SUV, the torque converter you have installed is probably just fine. For those of you with more heavy-duty applications, like high horsepower setups or towing rigs, the stock converter may not be enough. At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN, we can help you determine if your torque converter is right for the job you need to be done.
When Is It To Late To Change Your Transmission Fluid?
It’s likely you’ve been exposed to conflicting opinions about having your transmission fluid replaced. You may have heard that cars over a certain mileage should not have the transmission fluid flushed and replaced, because it could damage the transmission, or you may have had someone tell you the first thing you should do at any sign of trouble is have your transmission flushed. At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, our expert mechanics have the answers you’re looking for.
When Is It To Late To Change Your Transmission Fluid?
It’s likely you’ve been exposed to conflicting opinions about having your transmission fluid replaced. You may have heard that cars over a certain mileage should not have the transmission fluid flushed and replaced, because it could damage the transmission, or you may have had someone tell you the first thing you should do at any sign of trouble is have your transmission flushed. At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, our expert mechanics have the answers you’re looking for.
Your engine has trouble starting - is the starter bad?
When a vehicle has trouble starting, many people initially blame the starter. What is the starter, and how do you know if yours has called it quits? At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN, we want to keep you informed and telling you what to look for will prevent further damage when issues arise. The starter is essentially just an electric motor; a gear at the end of that electric motor engages the flywheel, which turns the engine over, allowing it to start. How do you know if yours is failing?
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