Repair Services
Bad Transmission? Fix It or Sell It?
So, you’ve determined your transmission is bad. What next? Choosing what to do can be overwhelming, and you need someone you can trust to help you decide what work needs to be done. Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN is here to help you make the right decision when it comes to your transmission. There are a few things to consider when your transmission goes out. You might feel inclined to just get a new car, but should you?
Cheap Parts Don’t Cut It and Warranties Matter
At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN, we’re in the business of quality. Quality work, quality parts, and quality service keep a business going. Here is a quick rundown on why it’s important to install components that will perform reliably, and keep you taken care of in the event that they don’t.
Do You Drive A Manual? Here Is What You Need To Know About Your Clutch Disc!
If you drive a car with a manual transmission, you already know you have a clutch. But what exactly is it, and what does it do? At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, we believe that knowing a little more about your car better prepares you to keep it maintained. Here’s what you should know about your clutch disc.
Do You Drive A Manual? Here Is What You Need To Know About Your Clutch Disc!
If you drive a car with a manual transmission, you already know you have a clutch. But what exactly is it, and what does it do? At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, we believe that knowing a little more about your car better prepares you to keep it maintained. Here’s what you should know about your clutch disc.
Do You Need A New Flex Plate?
What does a flex plate do, and how do you know if yours is faulty? Your vehicle may be telling you things you may not know. Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro has the answers you need.
Do You Need A New Flex Plate?
What does a flex plate do, and how do you know if yours is faulty? Your vehicle may be telling you things you may not know. Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro has the answers you need.
Everything you need to know about transmission sensors!
Our Murfreesboro drivers have been experiencing issues with their transmissions and there are a few things that we here at Matt's Transmission feel are important to know so that you are more comfortable and confident if you are, indeed experiencing a transmission problem of any kind. First, if you drive a vehicle manufactured in the past few decades, there’s a good chance your transmission has a variety of sensors attached to it which monitors all kinds of things - fluid pressure, vehicle speed, temperature, air intake at the engine, and so on. The first thing to check is your Transmission Sensor, which is a much more affordable fix than replacing your transmission!
How Often Should you Change the Gear Oil?
You know how often to change your engine oil; but what about the gear oil in your standard shift transmission? Here’s a short guide, from Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro. Unless you’re lucky enough to own a car with a transmission dipstick, inspecting the gear oil in a manual transmission is a lot more inconvenient than doing so with an automatic, or checking your engine oil. The car must be jacked up, supported, and the oil checked from underneath. As a result, you may just want to change it when the time is right. But how do you know when that time comes?
How Often Should you Change the Gear Oil?
You know how often to change your engine oil; but what about the gear oil in your standard shift transmission? Here’s a short guide, from Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro. Unless you’re lucky enough to own a car with a transmission dipstick, inspecting the gear oil in a manual transmission is a lot more inconvenient than doing so with an automatic, or checking your engine oil. The car must be jacked up, supported, and the oil checked from underneath. As a result, you may just want to change it when the time is right. But how do you know when that time comes?
How To Prevent A Transmission From Overheating
At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN, we know that the key to keeping a transmission reliable and in shape is taking care to prevent an issue in the first place. Here, well explore a condition which has a lot of potential to cause your transmission harm: overheating.
Is it okay to shift into park before stopping?
The key to maintaining a healthy transmission is understanding how it works. Here’s the rundown on shifting your car, truck, or SUV into park before it stops, from the professional technicians at Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro.
Is it okay to shift into park before stopping?
The key to maintaining a healthy transmission is understanding how it works. Here’s the rundown on shifting your car, truck, or SUV into park before it stops, from the professional technicians at Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro.
Is Your Transmission Shifting Erratically?
At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN, we know how troublesome it can be to pinpoint a transmission issue and get it fixed. That’s why it’s a good idea to consult us, the experts, for all your transmission needs. We want to help you get on the road safely and quickly.
Keeping Track of Maintenance - Why It’s So Important
Keeping track of maintenance done on your fleet vehicles and commercial trucks is one of the most important aspects of fleet management. At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN, we track maintenance and repairs for a number of reasons. Here’s why:
Let's Get to The Basics of Your Transmission
The hydraulic system in your transmission is responsible for telling the mechanical components what to do, and when to do it. In order to better understand how your transmission works, it’s important to understand the mechanical components of it.
Out With the Old, In With the New or Used - Transmission Replacement Options
At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN, a big part of our job is helping you make decisions that are right for you, and your car, truck or SUV. When it comes to replacing a transmission there are a lot of options out there; we’re here to help you make the right choice.
Prevent Your Transmission from Overheating
At Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN, we know that the key to keeping a transmission reliable and in shape is taking care to prevent an issue in the first place. Here, we’ll explore a condition that has a lot of potentials to cause your transmission harm; overheating.
Simple Steps to Save Fleet Downtime - Tranmissions!
Our fleet truck customers do not need to spend valuable time in the shop with transmission issues due that could have been avoided by servicing their fleet vehicles based on their owner's manual recommendations! Especially if it is simply changing a clogged filter, changing fluids or clutch issues! Our transmission technicians here at Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro believe that service = saving high repair bills! Therefore, we believe in a proactive approach!
The Ins and Outs of Your Transmission
Automatic transmissions aren’t easily understood outside of specialists like those at Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN. While it would be impossible to teach you enough to make you a transmission expert in a series of articles, what we can do is give you the fundamental knowledge you need to have a good idea of what your transmission is doing, and how it works.
Transmissions - the key to better fuel economy
There have been a lot of technological advancements, and breakthroughs in efficiency to make modern cars, trucks, and SUVs so much more fuel-efficient than their counterparts. While engine design certainly plays a huge role, automatic transmissions have come a long way as well, contributing greatly to the gas mileage of your vehicle. From Matt's Transmission in Murfreesboro, TN, here are some ways transmissions have changed to meet the demands of fuel efficiency.
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